Dussehra is a major Hindu festival that marks the end of Navaratri every year. It is observed on the tenth day in the Hindu calendar month of Ashvin or Kartik. On this day, a huge effigy of Ravana is burned to signify the victory of good over evil. This day is also celebrated as Vijayadashami that marks the end of Durga Puja. On this day, clay idols of goddess Durga along with those of Saraswati, Laxmi, Ganesh and Kartik, are carried in a procession by people towards a water body and immersed thereafter. People celebrate the day by exchanging sweets and other treats and sending warm wishes to each other. Dusshera is a time for celebration, a time for victory of good over bad, a time to get inspired by the exemplary power of good. Wishing you a happy Dussehra. This Dussehra, may all your dreams come true. Here's wishing you a very Happy Vijaya Dashami. Jai Shri Ram.